simple regression

英 [ˈsɪmpl rɪˈɡreʃn] 美 [ˈsɪmpl rɪˈɡreʃn]

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  1. Do not choose this because simple regression only looks at one variable, and we have six.
  2. In this paper, an inputoutput incremental simple linear regression model is used as a predictive model of black box systems, and a projection algorithm is adopted to estimate the model parameters.
  3. Simple regression, cointegration, and vector autoregressive models are employed to explore the causality and long-run economic linkages among these markets.
  4. Least square estimation of simple regression
  5. Application of Microsoft Excel to Quantitative Geography Teaching& A Case Study of Simple Linear Regression
  6. Modern city of the noisy confusion of the world's aversion, there is an urgent desire to nature, quiet and simple regression.
  7. Examples of neural coding. Simple linear regression.
  8. Not only the strain distribution of the elastic cell can be obtained and the positions of maximum strain fields can be determined, but also the simple linear regression equation of force and strain can be obtained and the linearity of the transducer can be analyzed.
  9. Discussion on simple regression of residential environment
  10. Then, we may calculate actual figures of storage life for the product. This article shows five data analysis methods, which are simple linear regression, exponential regression, weighted exponential regression, polynomial regression ( method of least squares) and grey theory.
  11. In the process of research, descriptive statistics, simple linear regression and paired-sample T test are used to study the performance of target firms in the certain test window selection;
  12. Numeration Of Simultaneous Confidence Regions Of Simple Regression Coefficient
  13. The Analysis on the Significant Testing Ways of the Simple Linear Regression
  14. It analyzes the relativity between economy factor and load character using simple linear regression method to get the effects on load character by economy development;
  15. A simple polynomial regression for experimental data shows that main flow velocity and perforation flow velocity are main factors resulting in mixture loss under given conditions.
  16. Calculation of separate parameter estimation of simple linear regression model
  17. A Simple Regression Method& Three Point Method
  18. The simple linearity regression equation and multiple regression equation of single leaf area of apple-pear were inosculated by measuring and analysing their leave areas.
  19. The estimations of the parameters and coefficient of contamination for the simple regression model are studied when its response variables are contaminated by another random variable sequence in [ 1] 、 [ 2]. But the proof is erroneous.
  20. There are many complicated factors influencing the quantity of cultivated land, so a simple regression analysis can not achieve a satisfactory model.
  21. Using the simple linear regression, GARCH model and the various liquidity indicators, analyzed the impaction of interest rate adjustment to stock market.
  22. ANOVA and simple regression analysis were used to measure three variables across four brands, four collaboration combinations and each of four brands independently.
  23. The development from Chicago School to post-Chicago School is not the simple regression of antitrust thinking, but a spiral rising.
  24. Meanwhile, through introducing the transport services 'intra-industry index and revealed competitive advantage index, the quantitative analysis is carried out to analysis the influence of transport services' intra-industry trade to its international competitiveness, using simple regression and multiple regression.
  25. In addition, a simple linear regression analysis is also performed to understand the underlying factors that affect container freight rates.
  26. Starting with the three kind of error characteristics, the paper introduces simple linear regression theory and puts forward an influence coefficient calibration model with error correction function, and designs a amount of unbalance calibration algorithm which is rapid convergence and meets real-time requirement of online dynamic balance.
  27. Two main forms of virtual variable regression model is used in this paper, one simple linear regression model, the other is GARCH model.
  28. After conducting a simple regression we found that there is a positive and strong relationship between the average daily returns with standard deviation and VaR as risk indicators.



  1. the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)

      Synonym:    regressionregression toward the meanstatistical regression